Issue - meetings

Performance Monitoring

Meeting: 13/01/2010 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee 3 - Improvement, Performance and Finance (Item 8)

8 Performance Monitoring pdf icon PDF 35 KB

The Chair and Vice Chair have been asked to examine the performance indicators and bring to the attention of the Committee those they wish to investigate further.

Presented By: Councillor B Hoare Portfolio Holder

Meeting: 01/02/2010 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee 3 - Improvement, Performance and Finance (Item 8)

8 Performance Monitoring pdf icon PDF 35 KB

The Chair and Vice Chair have been asked to examine the performance indicators and bring to the attention of the Committee those they wish to investigate further.

Presented By: Councillor B Hoare Portfolio Holder


The Committee noted the Best Value Performance Indicators for the period November 2009.

The Committee received an overview on those PIs that are red: -


·        In response to a query regarding BVI9 – Percentage of council tax received in the year, Isabell Procter advised that there had been difficulty due to the recession and people cancelling direct debits.  Latest statistics are showing an improvement however she is not confident that the target will be met. Benchmarking against other Local Authorities has taken place and Northampton is about same as other large Authorities but some smaller Councils doing better.  The situation does improve during February and March as the last payment on direct debits is January – therefore two free months helps people to catch up.

·        Regarding BV78b - Speed of processing: Average time for processing notification of change in circumstances, the Committee heard that factors such as increase/drop in income and change in Legislation affect this performance indicator. It has created a massive increase in caseload.  In last 12 months there has been a 17% increase (new claims) and it has been challenged to keep up with this increase.  It was noted that changes in circumstances in November was huge – especially due to changes in childcare benefits.  Officers focused more on benefit claims to ensure that people received benefits etc.  Northampton has the highest rise in caseload and is 100 out of top 100 Authorities (100th highest caseload) for sheer volume of benefit claims.  The number of new claims is monitored on a weekly basis. 

·        In response to a query whether the Council has the capacity to meet the claims, Isabell Procter advised that change of circumstances is a challenge, however Officers are keeping on top of a chunk of it due to new ways of working, such as going live on E-benefits.  Biggest success so far has been instead of queuing at the One Stop Shop – an appointments system is now running and it has average queuing time has reduced from around 30 minutes to 8 minutes. Customers now see a Benefits Officer at the appointment, the process is starting to make a difference and the Council is receiving positive feedback.  The admin grant from the Department of Works and Pensions was received and through this funding three new admin temps were brought in until April 2010 to work on E-Benefits. 

·        The Committee put on record its compliments to the Head of Revenues and Benefits for introduced fresh thinking to the service. It was suggested that the Head of Revenues and Benefits be asked to give an update to a future meeting on the changes been implemented. 


AGREED:   That the Head of Revenues and Benefits be asked to give an update to a future meeting on the changes been implemented.