Agenda and minutes
Venue: This meeting will be held remotely at View directions
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: There were none. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: There were none. |
(Copy herewithin) Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting held on 13 January 2021 were agreed as a true and accurate record of the meeting. |
To further consider and agree the budget recommended by the Cross Party Working Group PDF 146 KB (Copy herewithin) Minutes: At the Chair’s invitation, the Deputy Monitoring Officer introduced the report and explained that the budget recommended by the Cross Party Working Group had gone to full Council. Therefore, the budget had been recommended by full Council to the Kingsthorpe Parish Council.
The Deputy Chief Executive from NCALC, Lesley Sambrook Smith presented the report and explained that the figures contained in the budget report had not changed since the previous meeting, but the updated report contained further background information to provide context. The report also contained the band A charge, which would be £21.41p.a compared to the band D charge of £32.11p.a. It also demonstrated that only 19% of the properties in Kingsthorpe fall within the Band A category of council tax banding.
Members asked questions surrounding staffing costs. It was confirmed that the Parish Council was required to have a section 151 officer and a proper officer, however it was acceptable for these roles to be covered by one individual. Another question asked how the Parish Council could receive additional funding and Section 106 monies. In response to this question, it was confirmed that it depended on which grants and projects the Council applied for, as there were varies lottery funds and grant streams available, as well as borrowing in the form of loans. The Deputy Chief Executive, NCALC, explained that the Parish Clerk would work with the principal council (West Northants Council) to identify any Section 106 monies owed to the Kingsthorpe Parish Council.
Members noted that new information relating to allotments was in the report and asked for further information regarding income cost and running cost of the allotments. Members also questioned the accommodation costs of £10,000 detailed in Section 1.2.5 of the report and what accommodation would be used. Cllr Beardsworth explained that she had approached Kingsthorpe Hall, at Thornton Park and the Kingsthorpe Parish Council were permitted to use an office space there, however she felt it would be more effective if the meetings could be held in a central location in Kingsthorpe, such as the Kingsthorpe Community Centre. It was anticipated that most of the meetings could be held remotely, as they were currently being held.
Regarding the allotments and asset transfers, the Deputy Chief Executive, NCALC, explained that as part of the reorganisation order, the allotments would be transferred and come under the management of the Kingsthorpe Parish Council. She explained that the Parish Clerk, Kate Houlihan would be looking into allotments and service-level charges when she starts the position in February. In terms of cost for the allotments, it was hoped that these costs would be looked at with the Town Council, but the cost detailed in the report was there for contingency purposes. It was agreed that a report on allotments, with more accurate cost details, would be brought to a future meeting.
The Chair asked for information regarding the Council Tax Reduction Scheme (CTRS) and if there were any details on how the proposed increases on Council Tax would ... view the full minutes text for item 4a |
To agree the precept (Council tax) demand for 2021/2022 Minutes: The Chair introduced the report and explained that the recommendations were to set the precept at £32.11p.a. for a band D property, and this cost would be different for other properties as the cost would be scaled according to the Council tax band. The Chair emphasised the importance of agreeing a precept. The Deputy Chief Executive, NCALC, explained that there was a deadline of 1 March to present the precept to the Borough Council with the precept to allow the bills to be produced so that monies could be collected on behalf of Kingsthorpe Parish Council.
RESOLVED: That the Council set a precept of £222,000 for 2021/22 based on the previously agreed budget. |
To agree the dates for the next meeting of the Council Minutes: The Chair proposed that the date for the next meeting would be held on 24 February 2021 at 6pm.
RESOLVED: The date for the next meeting was agreed. |
Items for information Minutes: The Chair encouraged members to come forward with any items in time for the next meeting. He summarised that he would like the following items to be discussed at a future meeting: allotments, transfer of assets and if the independent renumeration panel would award a carer’s allowance for carer’s who wished to stand as a Parish Councillor. |
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