Issue - meetings

Governance Action Plan

Meeting: 15/01/2018 - Audit Committee (Item 6)

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The Governance and Risk Manager elaborated on a report that outlined the progress made to date on implementing the Council’s Governance Action Plan (GAP). It was explained that of the 48 items originally listed for implementation, 12 remained open and since the last Audit Committee, 7 further actions had been completed. It was noted that two related actions on the plan were on track but that the review date had been adjusted. The Annual Governance Statement was also on track but was not due to be completed until May/June 2018.


In response to questions asked, the Governance and Risk Manager commented that it would be hard to measure how effective the GAP was as there was a need for it be to embedded throughout the Council. She noted that the Risk Register would be updated, monitored and reported back to Audit Committee, alongside internal control review plans. It was noted that the Environmental Services Review had been classed as a project and subject to its own risk management processes and further monitored by the internal auditors.  Responding to further questions, it was explained that the corporate programme and project boards would provide extra layers of control and increased scrutiny. It was agreed that an Internal Audit Plan be presented at a future Audit Committee which would show use and effectivity.


The Governance and Risk Manager explained that with regards to CIPFA/SOLACE a number of actions were in place and it was noted that there were a number of policies that were out of date. It was recognised that there was a need to embed good practice throughout the Council. In response to questions asked, it was explained that whilst there were a number of out of date policies, these would be updated and reviewed annually. She further reported that the Whistleblowing policy had been updated and an external whistleblowing hotline had been set up.




2.1       That the Governance Action Plan be reviewed.


2.2       That the Committee receive updated reports on the implementation of the Governance Action Plan from the Borough Secretary and Chief Finance Officer at every future meeting until it determines otherwise.