Issue - meetings
LGSS Audit update
Meeting: 15/01/2018 - Audit Committee (Item 13)
13 PWC Internal Audit - Verbal Update PDF 1 MB
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The Internal Auditor verbally updated Members and noted that since the last Audit Committee in November 2017 they had issued a medium risk report around HR and a low risk from Payroll. She commented that they had been given a copy of the staff ‘Pulse’ survey. It was explained that they had issued a draft report around the updated Whistleblowing Policy, the Scheme of Delegations and Estates and Assets and noted that there had been continued work on the Environmental Services Contract. It was further explained that there had been changes to the number of allocated days and that they were being re-allocated which she did not consider would pose any issues with the signing of the Annual Internal Audit Plan.
The Chief Finance Officer commented that the Draft Internal Audit Plan had previously been brought before the Committee, commented on and finalised. He proposed that workshops be arranged to allow Members of the Committee the opportunity to explore and question the Internal Audit Plan.
That the verbal update be noted.
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