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No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest |
Additional documents: |
Apologies. |
Mayor's Announcements. |
(Copy herewith) Additional documents: |
Installation of Honorary Aldermen/Alderwomen Councillor to propose and Councillor to second:
“That in pursuance of Section 249 of the Local Government Act 1972, the work of Councillors with twelve years or more is celebrated and the gratitude of the citizens of Northampton is extended by conferring Honorary Alderman status on Councillors Christopher Malpas, Jamie Lane, Penelope Flavell, Tim Hadland, Phil Larratt, Brandon Eldred, Matt Golby, Leslie Marriott, Brian Markham and Dennis Meredith, having fulfilled that criteria. Therefore the Council, in recognition of the same and eminent service rendered to the Borough and the distinguished part played in the deliberations of the Borough Council by Councillors Christopher Malpas, Jamie Lane, Penelope Flavell, Tim Hadland, Phil Larratt, Brandon Eldred, Matt Golby, Leslie Marriott, Brian Markham and Dennis Meredith as a member thereof, and in appreciation of their deep and unsparing devotion to the public life of the Town, do hereby admit the said Councillors Christopher Malpas, Jamie Lane, Penelope Flavell, Tim Hadland, Phil Larratt, Brandon Eldred, Matt Golby, Leslie Marriott, Brian Markham and Dennis Meredith to be Honorary Aldermen of the Borough.”
Freedom of the Borough Councillor to propose and Councillor to second:
(i) “That in pursuance of Section 249(5) of the Local Government Act 1972, this Council do hereby bestow the Honorary Freedom of the Borough of Northampton upon Councillors Sally Beardsworth, Tim Hadland, Phil Larratt and Sikh Community Group, in appreciation and recognition of the contribution to the life of the Borough during their time as elected Members of Northampton Borough Council, and to Northampton General Hospital in recognition of the invaluable work that NGH staff provided during the COVID-19 pandemic;
(ii) That the Common Seal of the Council be affixed to the Scroll recording such admission;
(iii) That the names of Sally Beardsworth, Tim Hadland, Phil Larratt, Sikh Community Group, and Northampton General Hospital be entered in the Roll of the Honorary Freemen of Northampton.”
Following upon the passing of the resolution, Sally Beardsworth, Tim Hadland, Phil Larratt, Sikh Community Group, and Northampton General Hospital will be admitted to the Freedom in due form and will be presented by the Mayor, in the name and on behalf of the Council, with a Certificate of Freedom.
Additional documents: |
Vote of Thanks to Outgoing Mayor Councillor Lane to propose and Councillor Birch to second:
“That the thanks of the Council be given to Councillor Brian Sargeant and Ray Sargeant for the able and courteous manner in which they have discharged their duties as Mayor and Mayoress during their time in office”.
Addresses from Past Members |
Political Group Speeches. |
Matters of Urgency Which By Reason Of Special Circumstances The Mayor is of The Opinion Should Be Considered. |
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