Agenda and minutes

Venue: The Holding Room, The Guildhall, St. Giles Square, Northampton, NN1 1DE. View directions

Contact: Email:  01604 837722

No. Item




Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Lane, Kilbride, McCutcheon, Cali, M Markham and Haque.


Deputations / Public Addresses




That under the following item, the members of the public listed below were granted leave to address the Committee:



Patrick Cross

Sean Brady


Declarations of Interest/Predetermination


Councillor Birch declared a personal interest in respect of item 5a as a County Councillor for Kingsthorpe but advised of no predetermination.


Matters of Urgency Which by Reason of Special Circumstances the Chair is of the Opinion Should be Considered




Items For Consultation


N/2019/0840 - The construction of new roads (Northampton North West Relief Road) on land South of the A5199 Northampton Road between the Brampton Health Golf Centre and the River Nene, including two new roundabouts and links bridging over the River Nene to Brampton Land and over the Northampton loop of the West Coast mainline to connect with the Dallington Grange development. Land off A5199, Northampton Road, Northampton pdf icon PDF 2 MB


The Development Management Team Leader submitted a report to the Committee. She explained that the majority of the application site fell within Daventry District Council’s boundary with the southern end situated within Northampton Borough. The proposed road would run for 1.6km and be designed as a single carriageway, designed to enable it to be upgraded to dual carriageway in the future if required. The road would connect to a new roundabout at the Sandy Lane junction with the A5199 and a further new roundabout to the east at the Brampton Lane junction with the A5199 Welford Road. From the Sandy Lane junction roundabout, the relief road would extend southwards over the Rugby to Milton Keynes railway line connecting into the Dallington Grange Roundabout, a new roundabout east of Grange Farm proposed as part of the Kings Heath SUE development (Dallington Grange) which includes a link to the A428 New Sandy Lane.


Elements of the proposed scheme included:

·         A single two-lane carriageway, plus 3m wide shared foot/cycle path to the west side, connecting the Dallington Grange roundabout to the A5199 at Sandy Lane;

·         Railway overbridge over the Rugby to Milton Keynes railway line;

·         River crossing over the River Nene;

·         A new roundabout at the Sandy Lane junction with the A5199 Northampton Road including Public Right of Way (PRoW) crossing provisions; (Toucan and pedestrian crossing – north side of roundabout and shared use uncontrolled crossing western arm (Sandy Lane);

·         Single two-lane carriageway (plus street lighting) connecting the new Sandy Lane Roundabout and Brampton Lane;

·         A new roundabout at the existing Brampton Lane, A5199 Welford Road and Northampton Road Junction, including PRoW crossing provisions to include the diverted Public Footpath CC6 and National Cycle Route 6 (both to be permanently diverted);

·         Modifications to the existing A5199 Northampton Road from Sandy Lane to Brampton Lane to provide a traffic free route for non-motorised users;

·         Flood and drainage provisions;

·         Landscaping and ecological mitigation areas.


NBC Public Health had expressed concerns around the extent of information in respect of air quality to fully determine the impact of development. It was noted that there were concerns around the impact of the proposal on the potential future re-opening of the Northampton to Market Harborough Railway Line, however as there were no current formal plans this was not a material consideration. Any future plans for the railway line would have to take the Relief Road into account. The Development Management Team Leader noted that the  recent issues consultation for the West Northamptonshire Strategic Plan also asked whether the potential to deliver a re-opened line on that route should be considered for that plan.  The Development Management Team Leader noted that the Highway Authority raised no objection to the proposal subject to the imposition of conditions to ensure the proposed off-site highway mitigation measures were secured.


Patrick Cross, a local resident, spoke against the application and stated that he had witnessed the volume of traffic in the town surpass acceptable levels over the years. He commented that the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5a