Agenda and minutes

Venue: The Jeffrey Room, The Guildhall, St. Giles Square, Northampton, NN1 1DE. View directions

Contact: Email:  01604 837722

Note No. Item




Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Choudary, Kilby-Shaw, Lane and Meredith.



(Copy to follow)


The Chair announced that the minutes of the meetings on 19 February 2019 and 16 April 2019 will follow for approval at the next meeting.


Deputations / Public Addresses



That with the agreement of the Chair, the members of the public

were granted leave to address the Committee:



Dominic Kramer



Clive Rockell



Wes Boswell



Simon Philips



Mick McGarry

Chris Parr



Chris Parr



Chris Parr



Chris Parr



Declarations of Interest/Predetermination


Councillor M Markham declared a personal and disclosable interest in respect of item 10a, 10c, 10d, 10e, 10f, 10g, 10i, 10j, 10n as a board member of Northampton Partnership Homes (NPH) as advised that she would leave the room whilst the items were discussed.


Councillor Kilbride declared a personal and disclosable interest in respect of item 10a, 10c, 10d, 10e, 10f, 10g, 10i, 10j, 10n as a board member of Northampton Partnership Homes (NPH) as advised that he would leave the room whilst the items were discussed.


Councillor Bottwood declared a personal and disclosable interest in respect of item 10a, 10c, 10d, 10e, 10f, 10g, 10i, 10j, 10n as a board member of Northampton Partnership Homes (NPH) as advised that he would leave the room whilst the items were discussed. He further declared a predetermination in respect of item 10h.


Councillor Golby declared a personal and pecuniary interest in respect of item 10o, and advised that he would leave the room for this item.


Councillor Birch declared a non-prejudicial  interest in respect of items 10e and 10j being a County Councillor for the Ward and 10h being a member of Community Spaces.



Matters of Urgency Which by Reason of Special Circumstances the Chair is of the Opinion Should be Considered


There were none.



List of Current Appeals and Inquiries pdf icon PDF 86 KB

Report of Head of Planning (copy herewith)


The Development Manager submitted a List of Current Appeals and Inquiries on behalf of the Head of Planning and elaborated thereon. The Committee heard that three applications relating to HMOs: Applications N/2017/1627, N/2017/1629 and N/2018/1333 were allowed on appeal.



That the report be noted.


Other Reports


There were none.



Northamptonshire County Council Applications


There were none.


Northampton Borough Council Applications


There were none.



Items For Determination pdf icon PDF 96 KB


N/2018/1587 - Demolition of St James Works factory and the construction of 20no affordable dwellings and associated external works and road. St James Works, Vicarage Road pdf icon PDF 413 KB


The Principal Planning Officer submitted a report to the Committee. The application sought consent for the demolition of existing factory buildings on site and the erection of 20 no. affordable dwellings.  A new access would be provided from Vicarage Road.


Dominic Kramer, the architect who designed the scheme, explained to the Committee that the site has been derelict for 15 years. He approached Waterloo Housing Association three years ago which resulted in the submission of the current scheme to regenerate the site. He tried to incorporate details that reflect the local character of the area. He further explained that the Head Teacher of St James’ Primary School has been kept informed about the development and the aim is to demolish the buildings in the summer holidays.



Members questioned about the possible contaminants on site bearing in mind the site’s history.  Mr Kramer confirmed that extensive survey was carried out and appropriate mitigation works would be carried out.


Members also complemented the sensitive design of the scheme to reflect local character.


Members discussed the report.




That the application be APPROVED IN PRINCIPLE subject to the finalisation of a S106 agreement and conditions and reasons as set out in the report.


N/2019/0206 - Installation of mesh panel backstop and fences with two concrete block dug outs adjacent to the baseball field at St Crispins Park. Playing Field St Crispin, Berrywood Road pdf icon PDF 323 KB


Having earlier declared an interest, Councillor Bottwood withdrew from the meeting for this item.


The Development Manager submitted a report to the Committee. The application sought consent for the installation of protective fencing and two dug outs adjacent to the baseball field at St Crispins Park. The Committee heard that objections have been received from Upton Parish Council.


Clive Rockell, a local resident speaking against the application explained to the Committee that he bought the house six years ago and had asked the Council whether there were plans to allow any development at St Crispins Park. He further stated that he was concerned about anti-social behaviours and graffiti to the installation.

Members discussed the report.




That the application be APPROVED subject to the conditions and reasons as set out in the report.


N/2019/0271 - Change of Use from Dwellinghouse (Use Class C3) to House in Multiple Occupation (Use Class C4) for 4 occupants. 69 Delapre Street pdf icon PDF 293 KB


Councillor Bottwood re-joined the meeting at this juncture.

The Principal Planning Officer submitted a report to the Committee. The application sought consent for the change of use of the existing dwelling to a house in multiple occupation for 4 occupants.


Wes Boswell, the proprietor of the property explained to the Committee that he and his wife are professional landlords. He stated that there are unregulated and unlicensed HMOs within the Borough but that he seeks to follow the correct procedures. He aims to have student tenancies and manage the rubbish generated and car ownership of his tenants.


Members discussed the report.




That the application be APPROVED subject to the conditions and reasons as set out in the report.


N/2019/0289 - Single storey side extension and rebuild of unstable boundary screen wall. 24 Tollgate Close pdf icon PDF 230 KB


The Development Manager submitted a report to the Committee. The application sought consent for the build of a single storey side extension and rebuild of unstable boundary screen wall at 24 Tollgate Close.  No objections were received from any neighbours.


Members discussed the report.




That the application be APPROVED subject to the conditions and reasons as set out in the report.


N/2019/0350 - Change of Use from Dwellinghouse (Use Class C3) to House in Multiple Occupation (Use Class C4) for 3 occupants. 64 Military Road pdf icon PDF 332 KB


The Development Manager submitted a report to the Committee. She explained that planning permission was previously granted for a change of use of the property to a HMO for 3 occupants. The application sought to change the ground floor layout to re-position the bedroom to the rear.  There would be no change to the first floor layout and the number of occupants.


Simon Philips, the proprietor of 64 Military Road explained to the Committee that he is proposing to change the layout of the house to make it more conducive for future tenants.


Members discussed the report.




That the application be APPROVED subject to the conditions and reasons as set out in the report.


N/2019/0443 - Non Material Amendment to Planning Permission N/2018/0322 (Demolition of existing residential unit, construction of two residential units with associated garages, construction of extension to existing self-storage (Class B8) facility to provide additional self-storage (Class B8) accommodation over basement, ground and two upper floors, provision of associated plant and landscaping) to add smoke shafts in the basement, remove some self-storage drive-up units, minor adjustments to positioning and configuration of garages, addition of 2no parking spaces, reduction in height and glazing of bungalow 1 and removal of roof link from existing building to extension. Access Storage Solutions, Tollgate Way pdf icon PDF 260 KB


Having earlier declared an interest, Councillor Golby withdrew from the meeting for this item.


The Development Manager submitted a report to the Committee. The application proposed a non-material amendment to planning permission N/2018/0322. The Development Manager further explained to Members that the amendments include the removal of self-storage drive up units, the reduction in size of the garage and provision of two additional parking spaces, and replacement fencing as stated in the addendum.



Members queried why the smaller self-storage units were to be removed.  The Development Manager replied that this would be an operational business decision for the applicant.


Members discussed the report.




That the application be APPROVED subject to the conditions and reasons as set out in the report.


N/2019/0143 - Demolition of 4no domestic garages and erection of 1no new build bungalow. Lock up garages adjacent to 8 Overleys Court pdf icon PDF 347 KB


Councillor Golby re-joined the meeting.


Councillors Bottwood, Kilbride and M Markham left the room at this juncture.


The Principal Planning Officer submitted a report to the Committee and elaborated thereon.


One additional letter raising concerns was received which had been detailed in the addendum.


Mick McGarry, a local resident, explained to Members that at any one time there are 30 vehicles parked in the area along both sides of the road. It has not been possible to get out of parking spaces and there would be difficulties for emergency vehicles to access the area. Concern was also raised as to the crime implications to existing resident’s vehicles from no longer being able to park in the garage court, and that additional parking spaces could be provided within the grass verge opposite.


Chris Parr, on behalf of Northampton Partnership Homes, advised the Committee that he has not received any objections from Highways regarding the turning circle and that there would be two other garage sites available for residents. It was also advised that the possibility of providing additional parking spaces within the grass verge opposite would be considered by the applicants and a separate application submitted in the future.


Members discussed the report.




That the application be APPROVED subject to the conditions and reasons as set out in the report.


N/2018/1474 - Demolition of existing garages and construction of 3no new dwellings with associated parking. Lock Up Garages, Grange Road pdf icon PDF 372 KB


The Development Manager submitted a report to the Committee. The application sought consent for the demolition of the existing garages and for the construction of 3no new dwellings with associated parking at Grange Road.  The design and siting were considered acceptable and the Highway Authority has no objection to the proposal.


In reference to the report, Members questioned the Applicant as to how many of the garages are currently occupied.


Chris Parr, on behalf of the applicant, responded that all 10 garage occupants have been offered alternative arrangements.

Members discussed the report.



That the application be APPROVED subject to the conditions and reasons as set out in the report.


N/2018/1776 - Demolition of 4no. garages and erection of 2 new build dwellings and parking. Lock Up Garages, Paddock Mill Court pdf icon PDF 378 KB


The Principal Planning Officer submitted a report to the Committee. The application sought consent for the demolition of 4no. garages and erection of 2 new build dwellings and parking at Paddock Mill Court. The Committee heard that 9 parking spaces would be provided.

Members discussed the report.




That the application be APPROVED subject to the conditions and reasons as set out in the report.


N/2019/0031 - Demolition of 10no domestic garages and construction of 3no new build dwellings. Land adjacent to 150 Maidencastle pdf icon PDF 319 KB


The Principal Planning Officer submitted a report to the Committee. The application sought consent for the demolition of 10no domestic garages and construction of 3no new build dwellings at the land adjacent to 150 Maidencastle. Reference was made to the addition letter of objection received as stated in the addendum.


Members discussed the report.




That the application be APPROVED subject to the conditions and reasons as set out in the report.


N/2019/0136 - Demolition of 15no domestic garages and erection of 2no new build units (behind 64 and 66 St Davids Road). Lock Up Garages, St Davids Road pdf icon PDF 294 KB


The Principal Planning Officer submitted a report to the Committee. The application sought consent for the demolition of 15no domestic garages and erection of 2no new build units accessed between 64 and 66 St David’s Road. The officer recommended that were the Committee be minded to approve the application, Condition 8 would need to be amended in relation to boundary treatment.


Councillor Birch stated that the application lies within her division as a Member of Northamptonshire County Council. Having been on the site visit, Councillor Birch explained that local residents have welcomed the application and requested that the Local Highway Authority remove the double yellow lines to on St Davids Road.


Members discussed the report.




That the application be APPROVED subject to the conditions and reasons as set out in the report and with the amendment to Condition 8 in relation to boundary treatments.


N/2019/0201 - Demolition of 4no domestic garages and erection of 1no new build bungalow. Lock Up Garages , Marshleys Court pdf icon PDF 332 KB


The Principal Planning Officer submitted a report to the Committee. The application was for the demolition of 4no domestic garages and erection of 1no new build bungalow.


Councillor Russell raised a question on whether any trees will have to be taken down to accommodate the property. The presenting officer explained that the trees would be removed and no objection has been received from the Arboricultural Officer.


Members discussed the report.




That the application be APPROVED subject to the conditions and reasons as set out in the report.


N/2019/0255 - Demolition of 26no domestic garages and erection of 2no new build units. Garage Block, Limehurst Close pdf icon PDF 312 KB


The Principal Planning Officer submitted a report to the Committee. The application sought consent for the demolition of 26no domestic garages and erection of 2no new build units at Garage Block, Limehurst Close. The Officer recommended that Condition 9 relating to boundary treatments be amended should the Committee be minded to approve the application


In response to questions from Members, Chris Parr, on behalf of Northampton Partnership Homes stated that there are demands for 1 bedroom bungalows and these naturally have a larger building footprint in comparison to flats.


Members discussed the report.




That the application be APPROVED subject to the conditions and reasons as set out in the report and with amendment to Condition 9 in relation to boundary treatments.


N/2019/0257 - Demolition of 27no domestic garages and erection of 2no new build units and parking spaces. Lock Up Garages, Nursery Lane pdf icon PDF 262 KB


The Principal Officer submitted a report to the Committee. The Committee further heard that the application proposes the building of 2 semi-detached three bedroom houses with the inclusion of 8 car parking spaces to serve the development and local residents. The Officer made reference to the comments from the Police Crime Prevention Advisor, as contained in the addendum, and recommended that Condition 8 be amended in relation to boundary treatment.

Councillor McCutcheon asked whether it may be possible to include a condition to light the access road. In response, the Principal Planning Officer explained that it is possible to add a condition for lighting.


Members discussed the report.




That the application be APPROVED subject to the conditions and reasons as set out in the report, with amendment to Condition 8 in relation to boundary treatments and an additional Condition 11 in relation to external lighting for the site.


N/2019/0388 - Demolition of 4no domestic lock up garages and construction of 1no new build dwelling. Lock Up Garages Adjacent To 4 Prentice Court pdf icon PDF 310 KB


The Principal Planning Officer submitted a report to the Committee. The application sought consent for the demolition of 4no domestic lock up garages and construction of 1no new build dwelling adjacent to 4 Prentice Court.


Councillor Russell questioned the Principal Planning Officer as to whether the external fascia of the building would be made of wood. In response, the Principal Planning Officer explained that the application proposes a brick façade. Members were also advised of the update within the addendum report to the tree officer comments.


Members discussed the report.



That the application be APPROVED subject to the conditions and reasons as set out in the report.


Enforcement Matters


There were none.


Items For Consultation


There were none.