Agenda and minutes
Venue: The Godwin Room, St. Giles Square, Northampton, NN1 1DE.. View directions
Contact: Priti Chavda Email: 01604 625795
No. | Item | |
Welcomes, introductions and apologies Minutes:
Minutes of the last meeting and matters arising Minutes:
Debbie Sanwell - Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue Service Consultation Minutes:
Nickie Deeks - Northamptonshire Police Minutes: Nicki Deeks spoke about Domestic Abuse Team · They have 4 staff members, 4 domestic abuse advisors · Mainly offender led – serious risk of murder, serious repeat victims · They risk assess each case · Work with Sunflower Centre and other refuges · Honour based violence (HBV) falls within their department. They are providing training to their staff so that they have an understanding of this · They have robust systems in place · Reporting from same sex, males and stalking incidents is low · Robust follow-ups (coded) and can provide further support if needed · Good communication between themselves, Sunflower Centre and Women’s Aid
Question and Answers
Q. Do they have recorded stats for HBV for Northamptonshire A. It is similar to other counties; this does always tend to be under-recorded.
Discussions took place around: · The confusion around who to report to in the first instance, particularly as different groups offered different levels of support ie Northamptonshire Police (Domestic Abuse team) deal with high levels of risk, Northampton Women’s Aid support low to medium risk · Nickie suggested that people firstly use the 101 number. A uniformed officer will be sent out. (They are not always able to send a plain clothes officer). Otherwise refer to Sunflower Centre · Collaboration between service providers · Levels of risks / risk assessment. For example what would be classed as a low risk generally would be a high risk in BME Communities as domestic abuse is not reported ie the person would have been beaten up badly over a period of time · Nickie said that they use the DASH form (Domestic Abuse, Stalking and Harassment and Honour based violence), they risk assess to build a picture as to what people say. She added that they needed to read between the lines. They also look at history ie previous children, separation, mental health, drug related offences etc. and the assessment is written up from that. · Free training is available through Barnardo’s, NADSA and NCC. Ann Bodsworth said that she would be happy to train people. · Understanding the needs around the diversity of BME groups and whether Northamptonshire Police ran tailored training in dealing with this. · Community Champions · The need for clear evidence to take forward at strategic levels · Anna King spoke about the Overview and Scrutiny Panel and said that Northampton Women’s Aid and Sikh Community had attended. Rutendo Nyatsine said that she will attend. |
Action plans - Interpersonal violence Minutes: Interpersonal Violence 1) What is domestic violence 2) Knowing what services are available Looking at road shows, training packages to communities, setting up a working group to see what is out there. - Money for research is available - What training is out there – NCC/LGSS is free - Vicki Rockall suggested changing one of the meeting dates to a training date Ann Bodsworth said that NADSA are looking for a topic for their conference on 25th November. She said that she would suggest BME communities to them. It was agreed to set up a working group to take this further. Date agreed (11th November). An invite to be sent out to the Women’s Forum. Outcomes of this meeting to feed into the Overview and Scrutiny Panel. Dawn Thomas, Vicki Rockall and Ann Bodsworth to meet to discuss training. |
Tendai Ndongwe - NHFT Equality Strategy Minutes: Tendai Ndongwe was not in attendance for this item |
Community Information Exchange Minutes: NRICC – Dawn said that the Police & Crime Commissioner had a tender to provide face to face and helpline support. NRICC have won the contract and are working with Voice to deliver this service. BME SRP – Pauline said that they have their final meeting on the 6th November from 6-8pm at their offices. Zimwomen 29th November – fundraising for mini-bus 6th December – craft fair in the library 20th December – bring and share event Northampton Women’s Aid Planning to hold an event on Valentine’s day around One Billion & Rising. This will be separate to events planned through the Women’s Forum. Successful in keeping the refuge in Northampton open until March, although on a smaller scale. Still have to secure further funding. IHWO NIF 16-22 November interfaith week 20th November 7.00pm – 8.45pm conversation evening around unity amongst faith with a youth prospective. Venue: Holding Room, Guildhall. This is an informal event. Providing lunch at Hope Centre Diwali – date for next year’s event is 7th November 2015
Items for discussion at the next meeting Minutes: 1. International Women’s Day 2. Cllr Bottwood – budget consultation |
Any other business |
Date and time of the next meeting Minutes: Tuesday 20th January 2015 11.00am – 1.00pm Venue: Guildhall, Northampton (Holding Room) |
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