Agenda and minutes
No. | Item | ||
Welcomes, introductions and apologies PDF 182 KB Minutes: Present: Cllr Anna King (Co-Chair) (NBC, AK), Val Dumbleton (Soroptomists / Healthwatch VD), Catherine Bruce (Catherine Bruce Counselling, CB), Morcea Walker (NBHA/NCAC, MW), *Nisha Mejer (NBC, NM), Ann Bodsworth (Northampton Women’s Aid, AB), Vicki Rockall (NBC, VR), Cllr Rufia Ashraf (RA, St James Ward), Louise Musson (NBC - Call Care LM), Neelam Aggrawal-Singh (IHWO/BME SRP, NAS), Rachel Packman (Northants Police - Community Engagement RP), Julia Bush (NABPFA, JB), Sarah Ward (First for Wellbeing SW), Pauline Woodhouse (BMESRP PW), Luisa Jepson (NIFF, LJ), Dawn Thomas (Northamptonshire Rape Crisis, DT), Aimee Luck (Northamptonshire Rape Crisis, AL), Madeline Boys (Individual MB), Nayla Mahmood (IAPT Wellbeing Team, NM1) *Took minutes
Anna King welcomed everyone to the meeting. No apologies received. Introductions were made by everyone in the room. |
Minutes and Matters Arising PDF 158 KB Minutes:
Minutes agreed. Cllr King informed Forum that she is now Cabinet Member for Engagement and Safety. |
Chair elections Minutes:
Jane Carr will be standing down as Co-Chair after being in post for 2 years. Cllr King invited forum members to stand as the next Co-Chair. ACTION: Anyone who would like to put themselves forward to put together a biography and to send to Nisha Mejer on
Sarah Ward - First for Wellbeing Minutes:
First for Wellbeing is a new social enterprise where NCC, NHFT and UofN work in partnership. The organisation offers a range of wellbeing services at the low level intervention stage. This includes weight management, emotional wellbeing, smoking, alcohol etc.
Looking at ways to access the community – Sarah is attending community centres to facilitate drop in sessions. Holistic assessments are looked at and the service is open and transparent.
The service has sessions 4 GP practices and assessors are from different backgrounds. Would like to access BME groups and attend Community Hubs
Questions and answers
Q: What is low level intervention stage for eg with smoking? A: We deal with people who would like to give up. Q: Where are the community hubs? A: At community centres Q: Is it just about assessing and signposting? A: At the moment yes. May change in future.
ACTION: Ann Bodsworth runs a refugee. Invited Sarah to attend. To contact each other to arrange.
Dawn Thomas advised that questions should be asked on assessments forms as to whether specialist services are needed.
Louise Musson advised Sarah to attend drop in sessions at the One Stop Shop. Advised to attend meetings with front line staff. ACTION: Louise to give Sarah contact details.
Vicki Rockall invited Sarah Ward to attend the Community Centre Forum meetings. There is also small grant funding available. ACTION: Vicki to email details.
Nayla Mahmood - IAPT Wellbeing Team Minutes:
IAPT support with common mental health problems eg anxiety, depression and is under the NHFT umbrella. Patients can self-refer as well as being referred through their GPs. Patients are put through to the IAPT hub and referrals are vetted at this point. Other cases go to Primary Care workers, Rape Crisis etc.
Phone and face to face assessments are also carried out and new appointments are arranged if necessary. In this new role there is a need to access BME groups and the elderly.
ACTION: Nayla to contact Nisha to arrange dates to attend Diverse Communities Forum and Pensioners Forum,
Happy Day - Health and Wellbeing event. Minutes: Nisha Mejer gave an update on the Health and Wellbeing event. It is in its final stages of being organised. Stallholder and activities are booked including football session, tennis, zumba, laughter workshops.
Event has been publicised in newspaper, social media, radio.
ACTION: Forum members to promote.
Community information exchange Minutes:
Cllr King · Mayor’s Tea Dance on 25th June. 2-5pm The Guildhall.
Cllr Ashraf · A scheme called Don’t Drop It; Bin It. is being piloted in St James to make the area a litter free zone. This is supported by NBC and Cllr Bottwood will also ... view the full minutes text for item 7. |
Suggestions for Items for Future Meetings or Forum Activities Minutes: Not discussed |
AOB Minutes: None |
Date and venue of future Forum Meetings July 12th 11am -1pm, Jeffrey Room, The Guildhall Minutes:
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