Agenda and minutes
No. | Item |
Welcomes, introductions and apologies PDF 185 KB Minutes:
Present: Cllr Anna King (Co-Chair) (NBC, AK), Val Dumbleton (Soroptomists / Healthwatch VD), *Nisha Mejer (NBC, NM), Vicki Rockall (NBC, VR), Cllr Rufia Ashraf (RA, St James Ward), Louise Musson (NBC - Call Care LM), Rachel Packman (Northants Police - Community Engagement RP), Julia Bush (NABPFA, JB), Aimee Luck (Northamptonshire Rape Crisis, AL), Nisha Mejer* (NM NBC), Rachel Conlon (Nene & Corby CCGs, RC), Hazel Tuttle (Individual, HT), Laura Morrison (Game Changer Consultancy LM1), Steve Bedford (Police SB), Michelle Chard (Zimwomen, MC), Tomi Adetola (Zimwomen, TA), Rutendo Nyastine(Zimwomen RN). *Took minutes
Cllr Rufia Ashraf, Catherine Bruce, Sue Ward, Fiona Lloyd, Cllr Duffy, Gilly Anglian- Jarrett, Morcea Walker, Ann Bodsworth, Pauline Woodhouse, Neelan Agarwal-Singh
Minutes and matters arising PDF 94 KB Minutes: Amendment: Page 4- Change C2C to Homestart.
Chair nominations Minutes: Three people nominated themselves to be Co- Chair – Laura Morrison, Pauline Woodhouse, Fiona Lloyd. AK read out biographies to the Forum and a ballot was held.
Pauline Woodhouse has been elected in.
Rachel Conlon: Mental Health Commissioning Lead Minutes: The Mental Health Commissioning Lead is in the process of creating a Sustainability and Transformation Plan (STP). This plan is for health and social care for adults. Feedback from service users is being sought to develop the plan.
The STP will be drafted in August and there will be a consultation in September and October.
Question and answer:
Q: What is the definition of adult? A: People aged 18+
Q: What services in 6th form? A: This varies. Student aged 18+ there are adult services. There is a school nurse for 6th form students. No specific services in universities.
Q: Are there preventative services in schools and universities? A: There are specific youth counselling services however there is no resources for mental health.
Q: Support is needed for children in schools with anxiety and other mental health issues. Staff members are not always qualified to deal with such issues. A: Parents and GPS can refer to CAMHS (Child and Mental Health Services). There has been a 40% increase in referrals to CAMHS.
The Referral Management Centre (RMC) offers a single point of access for professionals wishing to make referrals for children and young people. We aim to ensure that children and young people are seen by the right health professional(s), with the right skills the first time. The RMC has expanded its service for children and young people for the county (the full list of services is available within the more information section of this page).
Q: Was the feedback representative of the users? A: 50% were service users. Majority were women. There are gaps and organisations such as Voiceability are being engaged to help bridge this.
Q: Does your survey fully integrate the volunteer services? A: There is a single point for health and social care and under that there are working groups.
Q: Is there joined up working? A: The STP will help with this. We need to work closer and better.
Q: What would be the top three priorities? A: Raising awareness, taking honest feedback, and better communications/PR.
Q: Need to look at grassroots and that is where money is being wasted. GPs don’t know that services exist and don’t have time to refer. There is a barrier between grassroots services and higher strategy groups. A: Will talk to anybody and all organisations. Q: Is there a way to secure funding for referrals? A: The funding is being reviewed as the budget is very tight. ACTION: RC to contact AL to talk about funding for trauma counselling.
Happy Day feedback Minutes: The event went well and the activities we enjoyed by people who attended. The weather kept numbers on the lower side and more signage around the park was needed. It was decided that it was worth doing the event every year.
Feedback from AK: The turnout was positive. Information and
activities consisted of a good mixture and it was a thoroughly
enjoyable event.
The objective was to have greater access from the public to the service providers. This was achieved and organisations have been asked to attend other workshops.
RN : Guidelines on putting up of signage unclear. ACTION: VR emailed Cllr K and Morcea Walker to establish how to support for future.
Minutes: To be discussed at next meeting |
Diwali Workshop 2016 Minutes: To be discussed at next meeting. |
Community Information Exchange Minutes: Hate Crime update from Steve Bedford. Document attached to minutes.
Zimwomen have started a cleaning project. Also have event called Strictly Come Dancing Africa at the Deco. Further information to be sent to Forum.
LM1 : Launching a business called Mums Unlimited to help support women in business.
HT: Is in the process of knitting bricks for the School of Life project.
AL: Pilot at Barry Road School went very well.
VD: C2C are having a car boot sale to fundraise. Please ring 01604 635530 if you would like to donate.
JB: 14th July 7pm – Meeting at Quaker House. Meeting on 12th Sept 6.30pm for Globe Project at the Guildhall called Refugees Welcome.
Items for discussions at the next meeting. Minutes: Not discussed. |
AOB Minutes: Next meeting 13th September, 11am -1pm – The Guildhall. |
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