Agenda and minutes
No. | Item |
Welcomes, introductions and apologies PDF 185 KB Minutes: Present: Cllr Anna King (Co Chair AK), Pauline Woodhouse (Co Chair PW), Kelly Fitzgerald (NPH, KF), Fiona Williams (NPH,FW), Morcea Walker (MW), Ann Bodsworth (Women’s Aid AB), Alice Morgan (NBC, AM), Rachel Packman (Police RP), Kate Scott (NABPFA KS), Karolina Zalewska ( Voice,KZ), Cllr Duffy (CD), Cllr Ashraf (CA)
Apologies: Laura Morrison, Fiona Lloyd |
Minutes and matters arising PDF 75 KB Minutes: Minutes and matters arising Minutes recorded as true to record. MW did not attend last meeting. Vicki Rockall has investigated into the issue of signage with Highways. They have advised that they do not allow any advertising on the public highway and never had done. I think in future years we need to explore further opportunities to promote on NBC land, i.e. the road side boards etc.
Voice Minutes: Voice is the victim and witness service for Northamptonshire. Voice exists to provide support, advice and guidance to victims of crime on their journey throughout the criminal justice system, to ensure that the rights of victims and witnesses are represented at all times, to advocate on their behalf and provide emotional support where necessary. Voice is an umbrella term which encompasses other partner organisations eg – Sunflower Centre. Most referrals are from the Police. The number self-referrals are low. Voice is raising more awareness of its organisation and encouraging diversity. Voice is in the process of creating foreign language leaflets. AM invited Voice to the Hate Crime Inter Forum event on 10th October. This is an event which is part of the Hate Crime Awareness Week in partnership with NREC and NIFF. The objective of the project is to recruit Hate Crime champions. |
Minutes: All actions have been completed and the forum was asked to give new ideas.
Diwali Workshop – to be discussed as agenda 5.
Happy Day event – It was a very good event and need to keep it going. Forum thought to keep the Racecourse as the venue. Ask the Chronicle to do a larger spread. Reduce number of workshops. Keep it to a week day. ACTION: NM to develop action plan. International Women’s Day – Will be 4th March 2017. ACTION: AM to book room. ACTION: Planning meeting to be set up. NPH and VOICE to help.
ACTION: Forum to give ideas for IWD.
Domestic Abuse Week – ACTION: NM/AM to Debbie Fergusson to give overview. |
Diwali workshop Minutes: October 24th 2016 Great Hall – all forums invited.
IHWO are organising a Strictly Dance Diwali Workshop in partnership with School of Life. Dance lessons will be given and would like people to do performance on the day on stage on 29th October. ACTION: AM to send out details to all forums.
Community News Exchange Minutes: Cllr Ashraf has helped organise a food collection to the refugees in Calais. ACTION: NM to email flyer to forum.
Consultations – PSPO ends 23rd Sept and Healthy Air ends 21st October.
RP: The Chief Constable is hosting a community event on 10th November 6-8pm. This is to coincide with Inter Faith Week.
Also carrying out personal safety talks – please let RP of organisations who will benefit from them.
KS: Two British students will be talking about their recent visit to the West Bank on 27th Sept 7pm, Northampton Quaker Meeting House. Admission is free.
KS: City of Sanctuary had a meeting last night. On 19th September there will be a full council meeting and there will be a proposal to accept a small number of refugee families into Northampton. Please sign petition.
LM: LM is the lead for NBC for Dementia awareness. Working towards having a Dementia Friendly town and would like to set up a local action alliance. LM is organising a Memory Walk 6th October for NBC staff.
PW advised LM to contact Healthwatch and Ben Leech from NGH. MW: Black Heritage has had achieved a heritage lottery bid. They have received funding from Northampton Community Foundation to work in computers.
AB: Domestic Abuse conference in Kettering 6th October. ACTION: NM to send out details.
From 1st July 2015 – 30th June 2016 6709 children identified in families for domestic abuse. Government is still holding funds which have not been released. Many refugee children are not getting places at schools. There is a huge issue with Housing and Education. AB is targeting retail stores to donate uniforms/clothes. Also need storage for furniture – please can forum members let AB of anyone who can help |
Suggestions for Items for Future Meetings of Forum Activities Minutes: PCC to be invited. Aquarius – Training for gambling support. NM to contact organisation. ACTION: To ask forum for guest speakers. |
AOB Minutes: KZ to send details of a motivational speaker who could come to the forum. |
Date and venues of future Forum Meetings November 15 10.30am -12.30pm Minutes: November 15th – 11am – 13:00pm. |
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