Agenda and minutes
Venue: The Holding Room, The Guildhall, St. Giles Square, Northampton, NN1 1DE. View directions
Contact: Alice Morgan
No. | Item | ||
Welcomes, introductions and apologies Minutes: Present: Cllr Anna King (Co Chair AK), Pauline Woodhouse (Co – Chair PW), Christine Kent (Aquarius CK), Neelan Aggarwal-Singh (IHWO NAS), Karolina Zalewska (VOICE KZ), Kate Scott (NABFA KS), Pindy Chahal (SCCYC PC), Rachel Packman (Northants Police RP), Nicola O’Neill (Aquarius NO), Janice Duffy (Cllr JD), Ann Bodsworth (Women’s Aid AB), Ghislaine N’Tandou (UAA/Zimwomen GN), Debbie Maccoll (NBC DM), Louise Musson (NBC LM), Morcea Walker (MW), Nisha Mejer (NBC NM), Alice Morgan (NBC AM) Apologies: Jeanette Pidgeon, Liz Carroll-Wheat, Debbie Ferguson
Minutes and matters arising Minutes: Issue of Child support Licensing on going. AK looking into this. |
Louise Musson and Nisha Mejer - Dementia Friendly Northampton Minutes: LM and NM went through presentation and offered to give members of Women’s Forum 1 hour session to enable members to become Dementia Friends. A discussion took place on whether Dementia sufferers should wear ID to notify others of their illness.
ACTION: Forum members to contact NM if interested in becoming a Dementia Friend. .
Question and Answer:
Q: What does this mean for the public?
A: Dementia cannot be cured but the session raises awareness of what support there is for carers and the sufferers.
International Women's Day Update Minutes: NM gave an update on International Women’s Day. There will be mini treatments, performances and workshops.
ACTION: NM to contact bra fitting service and Cop A Feel organisation. |
Action Plan Minutes: NAS Raised concerns that vulnerable women are not receiving legal support.
ACTION: AK/NM to contact Community Law and NREC to ask whether a representative from these organisations can attend future meetings around supporting people from a legal prospective.
DM: The Good Loaf has a language café to help support people where English is not a first language.
KV: Voice can also support with form filling.
Debbie Ferguson - Inter Personal Violence Minutes: DM explained the work the Community Safety team does.
There will be a Domestic Violence conference and will keep the Women’s Forum updated.
ACTION: DM to feedback more information about conference. |
Community Information Exchange Minutes: LM: Tollers solicitors are holding a Mental Health conference 8th March.
Memory Day 21st Sept – University of Northampton are carrying out an event in Grosvenor Centre.
AM: Partnership Grant applications are now open until 17th February.
Holocaust Memorial Day events on 26th and 27th January.
AM will be leaving the team to work for Northampton Museum and Art Gallery. AM was thanked for her hard work.
NAS: Chai and Chat every Friday 12-2pm at Weston Favell Parish Council.
PC: New project starting at SCCYC to help enhance employment skills. Limited spaces. ACTION: PC to send information to NM to circulate.
MW: Northampton Carnival 10th June at the Racecourse. Celebrating the Wonder of Nature.
RP: Police are collaborating with the Fire Brigade and carrying out safety talks. Can help facilitate this with groups.
CK: It is the 40th anniversary of Aquarius. Friends and Family coffee morning 30th January 11am – 2pm.
AB: Only 28 units left in county - should have 70. We have had good support from NBC.
GN: Newly appointed and would like to reorganise the UAA. Aims to create umbrella effect to pull together all African organisations.
PW: The Partnership Showcase event was well received and was busier than last year. Positive feedback from forum members.
Chinese New Year 12th Feb 11am -3pm.
Items for discussion at next meetings |
Date of next meeting 21st March 11am – 1pm. Jeffrey Room, The Guildhall Minutes: 21st March 2017 11am -1pm. |
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