Agenda and minutes

Contact: Partnerships and Communities Team  email:

No. Item


Welcomes, introductions and apologies pdf icon PDF 77 KB


Present: Cllr King (AK Co-Chair), Pauline Woodhouse (PW Co-Chair), Sheila Baker (SB Townswomen’s Guild), Ann Bodsworth (AB, Northamptonshire Domestic Abuse Service),  Dawn Thomas (DT Northamptonshire Rape Crisis), Paula Whitworth (PW Women’s Institute), Morcea Walker (MW Individual), Aimee Luck (AL NBC), Nisha Mejer (NM NBC), Debbie Fergusson (DF NBC), Janice Duffy (JD), Phil Harris (PH NBC), Louise Musson (LM NBC), Kate Scott (KS)


Apologies: Jeanette Pidgen, Kelly Jordan, Inderjit Jutla, Neelam Aggarwal-Singh, Amber Wright, Karolina Zalewska, Nikki Parrott.


Minutes and matters arising pdf icon PDF 185 KB


Minutes approved


AL gave an update on Legal Aid issue. It was decided that AL will check Law Society website for different objectives and draft a letter in support of this.


Election of Chair pdf icon PDF 314 KB


The forum thanked PW for chairing the meetings. PW was voted to be Chair for a further year.


Housing and Wellbeing - Phil Harris


PH gave a presentation on Housing and Wellbeing and gave an overview of the work the department does and the future priorities.


ACTION: NM to send out presentation to the Women’s Forum.


National Rape Crisis Week of Action and Domestic violence month - Debbie Fergusson and Dawn Thomas


Forum members to be part of 16 Days of Activism against Gender Based Violence dated 25th November – 10th December. There will be coordinated events and a steering group to be created encompassing key organisations in Northampton.  


ACTION NM to organise a date with the steering group to meet to discuss further.




Action plan


16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence discussed in previous meeting.


International Women’s Day – A book called Stories of Resilience is being compiled to be launched for International Women’s Day. Previous award winners will be invited to write a short passage to be part of a book along with other women who inspirational stories.


Townswomen’s Guild to have an activity corner in the Great Hall.


Further planning to be done later on in the year.


Hate Crime Awareness Week – activities to be planned for the week 14th – 21st October.





Community information exchange


LM: NBC is now part of the Dementia Action Alliance. All organisations are invited to be to be part of this. Forum members can go to the Dementia Action Alliance and choose the “Northampton.”






Date of next meeting


26th September  2017 11am – pm.