Agenda and minutes
Contact: Partnerships and Communities Team email:
No. | Item |
Welcomes, Introductions and Apologies Minutes: Attendance: Cllr Anna King (AK Chair), Pauline Woodhouse (PW Co-Chair), Debbie MacColl (DM NBC), Jamie Wells (JW NBC), Michael Macleod (MM NBC), Nisha Mejer (NM NBC), Kate Scott (KS NABPFA), Pindy Chahal (PC SCCYC), Rachel Packman (RP Police-Community Safety), Naomi Burkat-Baker (NB Police-Safer Neighbourhoods), Irene Bianchi (IB Aquarius), Cllr Danielle Stone (DS NBC), Dawn Thomas (DT Northampton Rape Crisis), Ann Bodsworth (AB NDAS)
Apologies: Louise Musson, Morcea Walker, Inderjit Jutla, Subika Anwar and Paula Whitworth. |
Minutes and Matters Arising Minutes: Minutes were recorded as true.
Stories of Resilience project has been launched. |
University of Northampton - Perceptions of Crime and Anti Social Behaviour - Kath Cahalin and Valentina Lugli Minutes: Came in to talk about Public Perceptions of Crime survey that they are conducting by telephone/online. It is open to anyone 16 or above. Asked if anyone could advertise it internally/externally.
The survey leaves some groups underrepresented – looking to balance this by contacting different groups who have a greater reach.
Looking at a March deadline but would like interviews and focus groups to be completed by January at the latest.
Hate Crime Reporting in Schools - Cllr Golby Minutes: Cllr Golby did not attend.
ACTION: MM to invite Cllr Golby to January meeting. |
Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust - Serenity Support Services - Fay Wickett Minutes: FW: Manager of Serenity. Talked about the functions of Serenity, also known as SARC (Sexual Assault Referral Centre). Been open since 2010. Discreet service. Seen 1500 people for medical reasons and 6000+ for other reasons.
849 Referrals last year – Most cases are referred through the Police. However can also self-refer. Can refer for examination, support etc.
5 dedicated females who work there – also a police officer there at all hours.
FW handed out presentation about the organisation.
GO: Give support, emotionally and practically to victims of assault.
Q - From your organisations perspective, can you give an example of partnership working?
A - Majority is with the police and social service. Also work with Rape Crisis and Service 6 – can be a reactionary service but why they are here today is to build more partnerships. Service 6 work with children and they also cover Leicestershire too.
Q2 There’s a growing rate of sexual violence in schools, are you getting any incident reports from schools? Q2a Are we happy just to receive information? Is there more we can be doing?
A: Time is a major issue, lobbying, it is revisiting the incident a year or 18 months after. It is recognised that a victim will get to court easier/better if they have the support of organisations such as Serenity. PW: Over last year and a half or so, there has been an increase in the level of service but it is a process that is slowly getting better. GO: Cases are being knocked back up to a year which is unacceptable.
AB - There has not been a Borough/County group meeting in nearly a year, not acceptable.
DS: Sexual incidents are growing in schools – want to know what schools have in place to deal with these cases. Do they have enough measures and support in place? Would like a meeting with all the schools County wide to see what can be done.
DS will raise it as an issue at the Schools Forum. The next meeting is 6th December.
Other areas are providing a wraparound service, look at other initiatives/frameworks that other councils in the UK are using (Worcester Rape Crisis and university). ADD TO ACTION PLAN.
FW: Explained that NHFT don’t have capacity for a wraparound service.
PW: Once good practice has been researched, use that information to write to the schools to explain how we can develop.
ACTION: DM to write a letter on behalf of the forums of times and priorities for cases once research is carried out.
AB: would it be worth contacting Voice? Do they have statistics regarding the young victims that come forward?
ACTION: DM: to contact Voice – regarding above. |
International Women's Day Minutes: This is the 6th year of Inspirational Women’s Day and the Inspirational Day Award will be launched in January – BBC are involved to help promote the award.
Stories of Resilience (UoN) project will be promoted where women will be encouraged to write stories of how they overcame difficulties eg domestic violence, mental health.
Margaret Bondfield statue will be unveiled at 12pm on the 10th to commence the day.
KS: Is involved with a performing arts company – Rachel from the company would like to provide stage entertainment on IWD. This was agreed by the forum.
Cllr Stone: Asked the theatres trust if they will do a fundraiser for IWD – they agreed and would be looking at the 8th March to show a film – Rosie the riveter, Silkwood, Made in Dagenham suggested.
ACTION: MM to ask forum members for film suggestions.
AB: It was suggested that the question could be asked for the event - What do young women feel about being a women? ACTION: RP: Contact NSG - try to link with the possible 8th event.
Cllr King to invite author of short stories to talk on the 10th IWD event.
ACTION: Cllr Stone – Wishing tree, set up on IWD 10th to ask females what their wishes are.
PW: The event is becoming very successful. Would it be possible to give something out for International Women’s Day – e.g. pen, t-shirt, bracelet? Northampton Women’s Forum celebrating IWD.
Community Information Exchange Minutes: Divided by Subika Anwar-Khan flyers passed out at the start of the meeting.
Reclaim the Night was 24th November. The walk started at Barry Road Co-op all the way down the welly road, to the market square, down the drapery, down bridge street and then back up to all saints for a speech. Well attended this year but not as well attended as previous year.
16 Days of Activism has started with the play by Rushden students on 27/11/17 - Events may need to be booked on Eventbrite.
International Day for People with Disability is taking part on Sunday 3rd December in the Grosvenor centre from 12pm - 3pm.
AB: Concerned about Northamptonshire and Domestic Violence – no strategic lead. AB handed out Guardian article titled “Keir Starmer: make funding for women’s refuges mandatory”.
NADASA would like to see meeting with PCC and NCC chief executive. Suggestion that the Women’s forum can facilitate this. This meeting would be to raise current concerns. AK to meet with AB to discuss this.
DS: Town of Sanctuary – 99 under 18’s and 147 over 18’s refugees in the county. There is a suspicion that some are being trafficked.
Feb 17th - Love Sanctuary event is being held, it is going to be a barn dance and jazz music at the bowling club (Park Avenue South) tickets cost £10. Fundraising to develop a cohort of these young people with leadership skills so they can act as a point of contact for younger children.
PC: Health project end of February – idea is to help people in need throughout the year. Mainly for Spring Boroughs and Castle Ward. Ladies wellbeing day this Saturday coming – leaflet.
KS: Palestine Friendship Association – event in March. Will have more information ready for the January meeting.
FW: Serenity are holding an open day event on Monday 22nd January 2018 between 12pm-2pm. Contact Serenity if you would like to attend.
Public Perceptions of Crime, Anti-Social Behaviour and Policing in Northamptonshire survey to be found at |
Date of Next Meeting 30th January 2018,11am-1pm, Guildhall Minutes: 30th January – Guildhall – Jeffery Room |
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