Agenda and minutes
Contact: Partnerships and Communities Team email:
No. | Item |
Welcomes, Introductions & Apologies Additional documents: Minutes: ATTENDANCE: Pauline Woodhouse (PW, Co-Chair), Michael Macleod (MM, NBC), Debbie MacColl (DM, NBC), Lauren Dyball (LD, Student), Ann Bodsworth (AB, NDAS), Natasha Tyrell (NT, Genii Home Care & Lifestyle Services), Kamila Poole (KP, Police), Morcea Walker (MW, NBHA).
APOLOGIES: Louise Musson, Kate Scott, Paula Whitworth, Inderjit Jutla, Cllr Anna King. |
Minutes and Matters Arising Minutes: The minutes are accepted as true. |
International Women's Day 2018 Minutes: DM talked about the feedback survey that is on Survey Monkey. Trying to get as much info as possible about how people felt about the day to see what information we can to help for next year.
ACTION: MM to send out to stall holders, inspirational women, authors.
NT: There could be a designated area for children so they can see the stage better. There could also be a children’s buggy parking area so people are not trying to push them through a crowd.
AB: More young women here this time.
NT: Many people hadn’t heard of it so need to find ways to spread the word more.
Q: Could there be more stalls in the café? A: It would be a struggle with health and safety.
NT: Maybe make one area a ‘children’s zone’.
RP: Use our contacts to spread the word to their contacts.
NT: The Women’s Institute have a large reach – could be useful contacting them.
Forum members talked about how some of the speakers on IWD were talking in a loud hall so it was hard for them to be heard. Forum members discussed having the speakers first and then open the stalls after so speakers are heard. Speakers could also speak in another room (Jeffery) but it may be hard to get people to leave the hall.
See if any other councils run an International Women’s Day and see what they do to generate interest and how they run the day.
Cllr King and Pauline to look further afield to see what they do.
Sunday 29th April – health and wellbeing event at Earls Barton – the old silver band club.
ACTION: DM to bring the results of the survey to the next forum.
Community Information Exchange Minutes: RP: Working with minority groups, there has been a rise in Asian Gold burglaries. This involves large groups of males entering the property whilst the habitants are there and threatening them with violence.
RP: There has also been a letter that has been sent out for “Punish a Muslim day” which people should be aware of. The letter has a scoring chart with various hate crimes and violent crimes such as verbally abuse and acid attacks for example. The letter says the date for this is on 3rd April.
RP: Pearls of Peace are looking to hold a stall on the market to show the good that Muslims do in the community.
RP: There is a meeting at Police HQ where the Asian community will be invited to discuss the gold burglaries.
PW: This could be done in the community as opposed to the Police HQ to make it more accessible.
AB: Male refuge is full already, not long been open.
AB: Years extended contract with NCC – limited service for child protection.
MW: Walter Tull events happening weekend of 24th. There will be an event at the Guildhall which will come at a charge. Also, there will be a civic service at 5pm.
MW: Carnival is on Saturday 9th June – Anna King would like to have a forum float.
MW: The dinner event with the Palestinian women is happening this Thursday 22nd March.
MW: VIN have called a community event on Wednesday 28th 10:30am at the Pavillion, to talk about the voluntary sector infrastructure after the recent County Council audit.
Any Other Business |
Items for Future Forums Minutes: ACTION: MM to invite Nicky Marzec to the next forum – if not May as that may not be suitable, the forum after.
ACTION: MM to invite Cllr Golby to talk about children and families the current situation.
ACTION: MM to invite Kate Holt from Health Watch for next meeting to give updates to explain where they are currently at.
ACTION: AB to send contact detail to MM. MM to contact relevant people from VIN and Support Northamptonshire and ask to attend future forums.
ACTION: MM to set a date for Natasha Tirrell to come in and share more information about the work that Genii does and how people can support.
Date of Next Meeting Minutes: May 29th 2018 – The Guildhall |
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