Decision details

Response to Overview and Scrutiny Committee Review - Food Poverty

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Cabinet agreed the Overview and Scrutiny recommendations detailed below:


2.1.1   That a Working Group, owned by the Community and Engagement Team, is set up and tasked with analysing the gaps in foodbanks within Northampton and the Working Group works with Partners to seek solutions to increasing food provision within these areas.


2.1.2   That child poverty needs are included in any Strategy in relation to poverty, note that the process of developing an Anti-Food Poverty Strategy can of itself have wider impacts such as: 


·                  Raising the profile of food poverty, especially with local decision-makers

·                  Developing a shared positive vision

·                  Creating a sense of empowerment for experts by experience

·                  Empowering diverse groups to raise their voices to call for food justice

·                  Ensuring the local council and other partners take ownership of agreed actions

·                  Sharing of good practice across local authority boundaries to support specific projects

·                  Raising the profile of food poverty, especially with local decision-makers

·                  Developing a shared positive vision

·                  Creating a sense of empowerment for experts by experience

·                  Empowering diverse groups to raise their voices to call for food justice

·                  Ensuring the local council and other partners take ownership of agreed actions

·                  Sharing of good practice across local authority boundaries to support specific projects


2.1.3   That Food Poverty Champions, who can identify the partners, who have the motivation and drive to bring all together lead on the production of an Anti-Food Poverty Strategy, which must include all demographics, ensuring that it is an all-inclusive Policy is investigated.


2.1.4   That with the move to the West Northamptonshire Authority, the way forward in relation to the production of an Anti-Food Poverty Strategy including the following adopted actions for local authorities as recommended by Sustain:


NB:  The Scrutiny Panel updated some the actions recommended by Sustain so that they are more Northampton based


·           Developing a food action plan to tackle food poverty

·           Improving the uptake of Healthy Start vouchers

·           Promoting breastfeeding via the Baby Friendly Initiative

·           Promoting the need for children’s centres

·           Ensuring low-income families have adequate access to childcare

·           Investing and developing children’s access to food 365 days a year

·           Becoming an accredited Living Wage employer and promoting the Living Wage

·           Ensuring all residents have physical access to good food

·           Supporting and enhancing meals reasonably priced and the provision of meals to vulnerable people

·           Supporting financial advice services and providing crisis support


2.1.5   That a Working Group, led by the Community and Engagement Team, is set up and tasked with identifying areas where holiday hunger is a concern and to seek solutions to increasing food provision for children 365 days a year.  In addition, the outcomes that have come out following the Marcus Ashford Scheme within Northampton are continued and built upon to ensure food provision is developed for all children 365 days a year.


2.1.6   That the Manager, HM Revenues and Customs is formally invited to visit food banks in Northampton, to work with customers and aid regarding budgeting and where further help can be obtained.


2.1.7   That the Universal Credit app is widely promoted.


2.1.8   That Officers are instructed to work with partners in generating more events such   as summer festival where assistance in relation to food poverty can be highlighted. 


2.1.9   That the Health Start Voucher Scheme is promoted.


2.1.10That the promotion of food poverty is highlighted to allotment holders and shops regarding giving away excess produce as emergency food aid.


2.1.11 That it is recommended to Northampton Partnership Homes (NPH) that it considers reviewing Tenancy Agreements to ensure that support is provided to older people to ensure that they are in receipt of the correct pension credits.


2.1.12 That the Northampton Community Forums are asked that a presentation is given to each Forum, in particular the Older People’s Forum, that promotes the provision of pension credits and how this can be applied for.


2.1.13 That it is recommended to the West Northamptonshire Authority that a Grants Officer is engaged with the main role of investigating funding for crisis support and the Grants Officer works closely with all organisations in this respect.


2.1.14 That it is recommended to the West Northamptonshire Authority that West Northamptonshire becomes a living wage Authority and a sustainable food Authority.


2.1.15 That the West Northamptonshire Authority is asked to lobby for national campaigns and challenge national Policy on food poverty.


2.1.16 That a copy of this report is provided to the MPs within West Northamptonshire and the MPs are asked to respond to the recommendations, in particular, recommendations 2.1.14 & 2.1.15.


2.1.17 Cabinet thanked the Overview and Scrutiny Committee for its detailed and robust report.


Publication date: 20/01/2021

Date of decision: 20/01/2021

Decided at meeting: 20/01/2021 - Cabinet

Accompanying Documents: