Agenda item

Notices of Motion



Proposer Councillor Palethorpe

Seconder Councillor Lane


This Council notes the concerns of many local residents in Northampton about the Sheltered Housing system and the lack of personal contact they receive under the ‘floating support’ scheme, and believes it was a mistake by the Government to take Sheltered Housing out of the Housing Benefit budget, leaving Sheltered Housing within the underfunded Supporting People budget, and making it difficult for district councils to manage.


This Council therefore calls on the Chief Executive to urgently instigate a review of the system and listen to the concerns of local residents.




Proposer: Councillor Malpas

Seconder: Councillor Flavell


This council fully supports the valuable contribution that community centres and their staff make in supporting and sustaining our local communities. By facilitating the meeting and business of a diverse range of associations, clubs and community and faith groups, these facilities continue to have a positive impact on the overall wellbeing of our town.


This council looks forward to supporting community centres in the future and playing its part in facilitating community life across Northampton


(A)   Mr C Grethe supported the motion in respect of sheltered housing commenting that this was an important and valued service, which provided support to vulnerable people.


         Mr Adams spoke in favour of the motion and hoped that the Portfolio Holder would listen to tenants.  He referred to Freedom of Information Enquiry NBC759-1012, which gave the total of wardens as at the end of 2006 as 53 and that at the end of 2008 as 42.  He also referred to an answer given to a question to Mr B Oldham on 8 December 2008 indicating the total number of wardens as 38.  This appears to be a reduction of 30% of Housing Wardens.  He hoped that a review would be honest about the situation. 


         Mr Oldham commented that originally the Sheltered Housing Service had Residents Wardens, which then become Housing Wardens and were now Floating Wardens that provided three levels of service from one visit a month to seven visits per week.  He commented that the service appeared to be based on brevity and that the Wardens and tenants were demoralised.  He noted Councillor Beardsworth’s statement that resources had not reduced but clearly they had and although 85% of tenants were apparently satisfied with service, this figure was questionable given the nature of the questionnaire that tenants were asked to complete which tended towards skewed responses and what about the 15% of tenants who were not happy.  He hoped that the review would result in a better service.  He supported the motion.


         Mr Swinn commented that he supported the motion and there did not seem to be much point to a once a month visit.  He related his own experience of hospital treatment and subsequent return home to premises that had been agreed as unsuitable by OTs and although he had now moved to a ground floor flat, his home was still unsuitable for his needs.  He commented that a holistic solution between health and social care was needed and noted the different situation that applied in most of Europe and in Australia.  Any review needed to be all embracing and needed to be honest. 


         Councillor Palethorpe moved and Councillor Lane seconded:


“That this Council knows the concerns of many local residents in Northampton about the sheltered housing system and the lack of personal contact they receive under the “Floating Support” scheme and believes it was a mistake by the Government to take sheltered housing out of the Housing Benefit budget, leaving sheltered housing within the under funded Supporting People Budget, making it difficult for district councils to manage.


This Council therefore calls on the Chief Executive to urgently instigate a review of the system and listen to the concerns of local residents.”


Council debated the motion.


Upon a vote the motion was agreed.


(B)   Mr C Grethe commented that community centres were important to local communities and noted that some areas of the town did not have access to them.  He would like each local community to have access to a community centre.


         Mr Swinn supported the motion and commented that community assets should be owned by the local community.  He referred to the Development Trust Association who could give advice on community based assets and asset transfers and who had funding available to them to buy community centres from the Council and help run them.  He commented that the best community centres were run and managed by a local management association. 


         Councillor Malpas proposed and Councillor Lane seconded that:


         “This Council fully supports the valuable contribution that community centres and their staff make in supporting and sustaining our local communities.  By facilitating the meeting and business of a diverse range of associations, clubs and community and faith groups, these facilities continue to have a positive impact on the overall well being of our town.


         This Council looks forward to supporting community centres in the future and playing its part in facilitating community life across Northampton.”


         Council debated the motion.


         Upon a vote, the motion was agreed.