Agenda item

Draft Budget for 2010-11 to 2012-2013

Members are asked to comment on the Draft Budget 2010-2012 to 2012-2013


Isabell Procter, Director of Finance and Support, advised that the 2010-2013 draft budget was currently out to consultation.  The budget would then be presented back to Cabinet and Council for approval post-consultation.


The Chair advised that this year, the same process as previously had been adopted for consulting Overview and Scrutiny on the Council’s proposed budget.   The Reporting and Monitoring Working Group would have been asked to select the issues from the budget proposals for each Overview and Scrutiny Committee but the meeting of the Reporting and Monitoring Task and Finish Group did not take place due to the inclement weather at that time.


The Committee asked questions, heard and made comment: -


·        The budget process was started in May/June 2009 by producing the continuation budget, which is the current year budget restated at future years price base. 

·        There has been a significant increase in subsidy due to the significant increase in benefits claims.

·        All Directorates were tasked with efficiency savings, i.e. same service for less money, looking at options to help bridge the gap along with service reductions.

·        A draft report on the budget was presented to Cabinet in December 2009.  This report is currently out to public consultation on the proposed options.  The final public consultation meeting is on 4 February 2010.  Comments and feedback will then be gathered and presented to Cabinet at its meeting on 24 February 2010 to seek its views on whether any of the proposals should be changed, the budget will then be presented to full Council for approval.

·        A risk assessment on the proposal options for the budget has been completed and received by the Audit Committee. 

·        The budget options are being investigated to ascertain whether there is the need for equality impact assessments.

·        The Committee suggested that it should be suggested to Overview and Scrutiny Committee 2 (Housing and Environment) that it looks at the budget options EFFY97 delivery of phase 1 and EFFY98 phase 2 of delivery plan at its meeting on 8th February 2010.  Both budget options contain substantial amounts of proposed savings.   Isabell Procter confirmed that these issues had been highlighted for Overview and Scrutiny Committee 2 to discuss in depth with the relevant Director at its next meeting.

·        In response to a query regarding budget proposal EEFY101 – Savings in facilities staff based on moving out of Cliftonville by 30th May 2010, Isabell Procter advised that the review was going very well.  A report was expected from a company who had reviewed and surveyed both the Guildhall and Westbridge, investigating how space could be configured to fit in staff.   The report will comment on whether it is realistic.  It was noted that the location of ICT and the server room had been an issue but a very encouraging report had been received on what could be done and how ICT and the Server Room could be relocated. Timescales will not be met by end of May 2010, as issues such as datalines can take around five months to put into place.

·        In answer to a query how the Council sourced its providers for utilities, Isabell Procter confirmed that two methods were applied – use framework contracts that have been in place for some time, then the contract would go out to tender or spot testing – the Council buys a certain amount of, for example electricity, at the current price.  An advisor assists on this process. The Council is leading on this process, on behalf of five other districts, through the joint procurement process. 

·        The Committee queried the proposed budget option EFFY82 - Target to reduce agency spend by an additional 1%.  Isabell Procter advised that the Council acquires most of its Agency staff through Comensura.  The workforce is being looking more closely so that the requirement for Agency Staff can be managed down.  The Head of Human Resources manages the employment of Agency Staff.  Ways of making savings include shortening the time from when the employee hands in notice to recruiting to that post.

·        It was noted that budget proposal EEFY1 related to the deletion of a vacant post in the Head of Performance and Improvement Team. This post had been vacant for over a year.  EEFY112 is in relation to restructuring in the policy area, again in the Performance and Improvement Team.  The proposal is the reduction of one member of staff.  The introduction of Performance Plus has meant that the same level of service can be delivered by the system producing the information.

·        Regarding budget proposal EFFY83 Increase debt recovery rates, the Committee heard that this was an efficiency saving and that debt collection had improved.  New processes have been put in place. 


AGREED:  That the Chair writes to the Chair of Overview and Scrutiny Committee 2 (Housing and Environment) advising that this Committee supports the Officer’s recommendation that Overview and Scrutiny Committee 2 discusses in depth with the relevant Director, the budget proposals - EFFY97 delivery of phase 1 and EFFY98 phase 2 of delivery plan at its next meeting on 8th February 2010.

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