Agenda, decisions and minutes
Venue: Remote via Zoom:
Contact: Democratic Services 01604 837722
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: There were no apologies for absence. |
Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 17th February 2021 were agreed and signed by the Chair. |
Intention to Hold Part of the Meeting in Private if necessary Minutes: There was no intention to hold any of the meeting in private. |
Deputations/Public Addresses Minutes: There were none. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: There were none. |
Issues Arising from Overview and Scrutiny Committees Minutes: There were no issues arising from Overview and Scrutiny Committees. |
Corporate Performance All Measures Report Quarter 3 – 1st October – 31st December 2020 PDF 201 KB (Copy herewith) Additional documents: Decision: 2.1 Cabinet reviewed the contents of the performance report (Appendix 1). Minutes: Councillor Larratt as the relevant Cabinet Member presented the report and advised that in the circumstances the report was very good, although performance had been affected. 76.4% of the measures were blue, green or amber and 23% were red.
The first table at 3.4 showed high performing highlights such as % of missed bins corrected within 24 hours, which was of particular importance to residents, % of fly tipping incidents removed within two working days of reporting and fewer people in temporary accommodation.
The second table showed lower levels of reporting such as % of missed bins - due to disruptions caused by staff sickness and % of household waste recycled and composted - due to less garden waste in the winter months. The number of households prevented from becoming homeless was sadly lower, for reasons such as domestic abuse and family and friends being unwilling to accommodate. Town centre footfall had reduced due to the pandemic. One Subject Access Request had fallen out of time, and staff shortages and illness had affected response times for planning applications.
Councillor Larratt congratulated all staff, who had performed well in difficult circumstances.
2.1 Cabinet reviewed the contents of the performance report (Appendix 1). |
Finance Monitoring to 31 January 2021 PDF 168 KB (Copy herewith) Decision: 2.1 Cabinet noted the contents of the report.
2.2 Cabinet noted the amendments to the general fund capital programme as set out at paragraph 3.6.1.
2.3 Cabinet approved the distribution of Grant to existing Parish Councils of £98.9K, to provide additional Covid grant support, as set out in the Appendix.
2.4 Cabinet approved the distribution of £99.9K of Grant to the three new Town/Parish Councils as launch funding to enable them to function ahead of the first precept payment in April and assist with Covid support, as set out in the Appendix. Minutes: Councillor Eldred as the relevant Cabinet Member noted that the finance team had been very busy over the last 12 months. CTRS had helped 12,400 households with £150 each, totalling £1.8 million. This was in addition to that already earmarked for the financial year. By the end of March 2021 the Grants scheme would have given away £50 million with the team working hard to get the money to those who needed it. Business rate relief had reached £34 million. A total of £180 million had been dealt with in the current year (the normal budget was £40 million) and credit was due to the finance team and many others who assisted with this.
Turning to the Financial Monitoring to 31 January 2021, Councillor Eldred pointed out that there had been a slight underspend of £278,000, which was a great achievement given the other pressures. The help from government had provided a boost to keep within budget. It was proposed to use Covid money for two separate grants to parish councils, the first of £98,887.50 to existing councils and the second of £99,995 to the Town Council and two new parish councils towards their startup and Covid safety and support messaging costs.
The Chair thanked all officers who had played their part, and in particular the finance team with their increased workload.
2.1 Cabinet noted the contents of the report.
2.2 Cabinet noted the amendments to the general fund capital programme as set out at paragraph 3.6.1.
2.3 Cabinet approved the distribution of Grant to existing Parish Councils of £98.9K, to provide additional Covid grant support, as set out in the Appendix.
2.4 Cabinet approved the distribution of £99.9K of Grant to the three new Town/Parish Councils as launch funding to enable them to function ahead of the first precept payment in April and assist with Covid support, as set out in the Appendix. |
Proposed Variation to the Northampton Borough Council Public Spaces Protection Order 2020 PDF 1 MB (Copy herewith) Decision: Cabinet:
2.1 Resolved to vary the existing PSPO in order to create a new prohibition against dogs being walked off lead within the area of Upton Country Park known as “Phase 2”, which is outlined in red on the plan appended to this report as Appendix 2.
2.2. Authorised the Borough Secretary to complete all of the statutory processes as required by the Act in order to vary the existing PSPO.
Minutes: Councillor Hallam as the relevant Cabinet Member introduced the report seeking authority to prevent dogs being off the lead in an area of Upton Country Park. A positive impact of the pandemic and lockdown had been record numbers of people in parks and open spaces. There had been a number of incidents resulting from dogs off the lead, and sheep had been attacked. A public consultation had taken place, including all neighbouring parish councils. The prohibition of dogs off the lead would be enforced by park rangers and neighbourhood wardens.
Councillor Hibbert welcomed the report but noted from the consultation that some people thought dogs should be on the lead all the time. At some point this issue needed to be determined. Councillor Hallam accepted the observation and stated that responsible dog ownership should be encouraged.
2.1 Resolved to vary the existing PSPO in order to create a new prohibition against dogs being walked off lead within the area of Upton Country Park known as “Phase 2”, which is outlined in red on the plan appended to this report as Appendix 2.
2.2. Authorised the Borough Secretary to complete all of the statutory processes as required by the Act in order to vary the existing PSPO.
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