Agenda item
N/2017/0091 - Residential development of up to 1,400 no. units, a mixed use local centre including appropriate retail, healthcare and community facilities, a new primary school, areas of public open space, play provision and structured landscaping, internal roads and all associated infrastructure, and demolition of existing shed at Upton Lodge Farm (outline planning application with matters of layout, appearance, landscaping and scale being reserved for subsequent approval). Upton Lodge Farm, Weedon Road, Upton
The Development Management Team Leader submitted a report to the Committee. Members’ attention was drawn to the addendum which contained additional representations from a third party and a further condition. The Committee heard that access onto the development would primarily be from Weedon Road with a second vehicular access point created off St Crispins Drive and winding through the eastern part of the site. An existing bungalow to the south of the site would be retained. Conditions within the report stipulated that the Sandy Lane Relief Road (SLRR) be completed up to the boundary of the application site before occupation of any of the properties, in order to mitigate highway impacts caused by the development and ensure early delivery of the SLRR. Public transport routes would be included in the development, running a Euro 6 bus service, and Electric Vehicle charging points were also proposed throughout the site. Due to the undulating nature of the area there was no provision for on-site outdoor sports facilities, however a financial contribution through the S106 Agreement would be sought for provision off-site. An area of woodland would be retained included in the overall provision of 24 hectares of green open space. Wildlife, including bats, badgers and barn owls had been identified on the site and conditions were included within the report to require updated surveys and mitigate the impact upon wildlife throughout the course of the development. A viability assessment, independently assessed on behalf of the Council, concluded that 15% affordable housing could be obtained on-site.
Simon Dougall, on behalf of Homes England, spoke in favour of the application and commented that the applicant and planning officers had spent 2.5 years on the application, consulting throughout the entire life of the scheme. He advised that should the application be approved, building would commence from 2020.
Mark Walton, of WYG, spoke in favour of the application and commented that the application had been subject to detailed and ongoing discussions with the Local Highway Authority. He explained that the levels of affordable housing were due, in part, to the significant CIL financial contributions being provided.
In response to questions directed at the 2 speakers, the Committee were informed that NCC were given the option to provide a Park and Ride service on the development; they opted not to. It was explained that St Crispins Drive would be widened up to the new access point to allow buses onto the development. There would be a dedicated parking area for the proposed school which would further alleviate pressures along St Crispins Drive. With regard to open spaces, Members heard that the applicant would be looking at management arrangements as soon as possible; SuDS may be adopted by Anglian Water in the future. Walking/cycling provision would be the subject of future reserved matters applications, however talks with NCC were reflected in conditions within the report, relating to walkways. In reference to healthcare provision, it was noted that the NHS preferred a financial contribution; this was something that came up frequently during consultation. Cabling for EV charging points would be laid underneath roads, but this could be looked at again in future applications. Concerns around management companies were noted and it was explained that whilst they were a common answer to the management of open spaces, the applicant was looking towards a holistic and systematic approach.
The Development Management Team Leader explained that the exact location of off-site sports provision was yet to be confirmed, but that it would be in close proximity to the site.
The Head of Planning noted that the Council recently passed a motion in relation to management companies and their alternatives, but that the Council did not have the power to force developers to choose models through the planning system.
Members discussed the report.
That the application be APPROVED IN PRINCIPLE subject to the completion of a Section 106 Legal Agreement to secure planning obligations, and the conditions and reasons as set out in the report, and additional Condition 38 in the addendum.
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