Agenda item

N/2019/1362 - Change of use from Dwellinghouse (Use Class C3) to Children's Home (Use Class C2). 30 Five Acres Fold


The Development Manager submitted a report to the Committee. Members were informed that the application sought approval for the conversion of a dwellinghouse to Children’s Home for 2 children aged 10-17 and 2 full-time carers. There were no objections raised by any statutory consultees and it was not envisaged that there would be any activities taking place outside of family arrangements and a condition was included to restrict the number of occupants.


Anthony Potter, a local resident, spoke against the application and commented that residents purchased their properties on the assumption that the area was residential, not commercial. He stated that there would be higher vehicle use than the report suggested and that the road occasionally got blocked as it was. Mr Potter stated that the development would be to the detriment of all of the current residents.



Lizzie Ringisai, the director of BTTLR Limited, spoke in favour of the application and commented that the property would allow children to be raised in a home environment with the staff acting as parental figures. She noted that the company was governed by OFSTED, that training for staff would take place off-site and that all children would be inducted before residing.


In response to questions, Ms Ringisai confirmed that 2 members of staff would be on the premises at all times, with rules and boundaries set firmly between themselves and the children. All staff would have enhanced DBS checks carried out and Ms Ringisai and other senior staff would be on-call at all times. For the sake of continuity for the children, the same members of staff would be scheduled in. She explained that children responded well if they were given an appropriate environment to do so.


Natalie Grimes, a manager for BTTLR Limited, spoke in favour of the application and commented that children in the care system were being forced to leave the county due to a lack of local care facilities. She stated that she lived close to the property and would be available if any problems arose.


In response to questions, Ms Grimes explained that she had experience working with children of all ages and backgrounds and had always worked in “secure” facilities. She further commented that she had a good working relationship with CAMHS.


Phylis Grimm, a local resident, spoke against the application and commented that existing parking problems would be exacerbated should the application be approved and questioned why a parking survey had not been undertaken by the applicant, and the lack of consultation.[EB1] [EB2] 


The Development Manager explained that as part of the consultation, the Council was required to consult the adjoining properties or post a notice near the property; both had been done in this instance.



Members discussed the report.




That the application be APPROVED subject to the conditions and reasons as set out in the report.

 [EB1]This is not where Ms Grimm spoke but it is where she was supposed to have spoken – keep here or move?

 [EB2]This should be here to accord with the correct sequence

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