Agenda item
N/2019/1342 - Conversion of Restaurant (Class A3) to Public House (Class A4) including internal and external alterations, new decking, doors and shelter. Former Buddies Restaurant, Acre Lane
The Development Manager submitted a report to the Committee. Members’ attention was drawn to the addendum which contained an amended Condition 4 and additional neighbour representations. The Committee heard that as part of the application, external alterations including French doors leading to a new decking to the side and cladding were proposed. A smoking shelter was proposed and an additional condition (Condition 9) was proposed requiring further details on the external material of the smoking shelter. Officers considered the decking was acceptable, however a condition (Condition 8) was included to restrict live and piped music in the external areas to ensure compliance with the Council’s policies regarding residential amenity. Whilst neighbour objections mentioned the proposed opening hours, they were in line with approved licencing hours and similar to other establishments, and there had been no objections from statutory consultees.
John Roy, a local resident, spoke against the application and commented that construction of fencing had already started. He stated that no other gastropubs in the area closed at 1:00am and felt that this was too late. Mr Roy commented that when the North Star pub was in operation, customers would park along Acre Lane and caused problems for residents.
The Development Manager confirmed the new opening times which were agreed at the Alcohol & Gambling Licensing Sub-Committee on 14th February.
In response to a question, Mr Roy commented that problematic parking had not been an issue whilst Buddies had been in operation.
Isabel White, a local resident, spoke against the application and commented that nearby pubs had reduced opening hours. She explained that whilst the car park could hold 41 vehicles, the business was looking to employ 15 permanent members of staff which would reduce the number of spaces for customers. Mrs White further explained that yellow lines outside of the pub would push drivers further up Acre Lane.
Mark Robinson, the owner and applicant, spoke in favour of the application and commented that the picket fence bordering the site was erected under permitted development, along with the laurel hedging. Mr Robinson advised that there were no plans for off-site alcohol sales and whilst the opening hours had not yet been announced, it was envisaged that the pub would close sooner than its mandatory closing hours. With regard to the loss of parking spaces for employees, Mr Robinson advised that he would be looking to employ locals who would be able to walk or cycle to the pub.
In response to questions, Mr Robinson advised that the smoking area would not affect the disabled access ramp or take up any parking spaces. He further advised that food would be promoted ahead of alcohol.
The Development Manager clarified that the original plans contained higher fencing but had since been removed from the proposal; the current picket fencing could be installed without planning permission under permitted development rights. She further advised that the Local Highway Authority had raised no objection to the application. The Committee were informed that the Licensing and Environmental Health departments had enforcement powers should the pub fail in meeting its conditions.
Members discussed the report.
That the application be APPROVED subject to the conditions and reasons as set out in the report and amended Condition 4 contained in the addendum and additional Condition 9 in relation to the material of the smoking shelter.
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